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Q: What sites is not one of the eight most frequently measured for skinfold-measurement test?
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What is a list that contains web addresses for sites you plan to visit frequently?

They are known as bookmarks or favorites.

Explorer calls them favorites navigator prefers to call them bookmarks what are they?

Web sites that a user visits frequently.

What is the list of sites that you might return to frequently called?

Depending on what browser you use, they could be called favorites or bookmarks.

Are there sites with games with no time trial?

Try or The latter is far better but is not updated as frequently. Both sites run with ads at pre-timed intervals, no viruses or spamware.

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Google, Yahoo and MSN are the top search sites. Along with these, the search sites quickly getting recognized and used more frequently are Bing and Ask.

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How do i post an answer on here without answering it myself?

Please see the advice and guidance on the sites Frequently Asked Questions sections regarding :Answering TipsFor more information on copying from other sites, please review the sites Plagiarism Policy.

Can you watch stock reports live from a laptop or ipad?

Yes, you can. There are many sites that offer live stock report feeds free of charge. Check with sites that frequently have business news on them for such reports.