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Circumference = 80*pi meters

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Q: What size is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 80 in meters?
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Related questions

What is the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter?

The circumference of a circle is equal to pi times its diameter. Another way to say this is that for any circle, circumference divided by diameter will always have pi as the answer, regardless of the size of the circle.

What are three different size circle?

Each circle with a different radius (or diameter or circumference) is a different size circle.

What are the dimensions of circle?

The three most common ways to describe the dimension or size of a circle is either the diameter or the radius or the circumference (perimeter).When the circumference is given then dividing that by Pi will give you the diameter (circumference / Pi = diameter).

How do you find the diameter of a circle with the circumfernce size?

Divide the circumference by pi (~3.14) to get the diameter.

Circle to square feet?

The answer requires information on the size of the circle: its radius, diameter or circumference.

Why the value of pi is constant?

The value of pi is constant. It is calculated by dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter. As the circle's circumference grows, the diameter grows at the same rate, proportionally. This means that the circumference divided by the diameter (if measured precisely) will always yield pi. If it does not, it is not a perfect circle. The ratio between the circumference and the diameter of a circle will always stay the same, no matter how you change the size of the circle.

What size is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 80?

Circumference = π*d = π*80 = 251.33 units

How do you calculate a size of a circle?

Circumference = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

What happens to the circumference of a circle if its diameter is tripled in size?

9 times bigger

How is pie given as 3.14 related to the diameter and circumference of a circle?

For any circle, whether its size is microscopic or astronomical, the ratio of its circumference to its diameter is always π. Although a transcendental number, its value is approximately 3.14

What is the diameter of a 54 inch circle?

It depends on what you mean by a certain size circle. If the certain size is the diameter, then the answer is 54 inches. If the certain size is the radius, then the answer is 108 inches. If the certain size is the circumference, then the answer is 54 / 3.14159 or about 17.19 inches

What can you say about the ratio of circumference to the diameter of the circles?

For any size circle, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is constant. This constant is known as pi, an irrational number which is approximately equal to 3.1416.Since the Circumference is pi times Diameter. (C=πD)Therefore the ratio of Circumference to Diameter is π:1.