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1/4 = 2/8 so the 3/8 is thicker.

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Q: What size of plywood is thicker one quarter inch or three eighth inch?
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What is three eighths minus a quarter?

One eighth

How many quarter notes equals six eighth notes?

three because two eighth notes equal one quarter note

How many eighth notes equals a dotted quarter note?


What does a quarter note equal to?

I believe the quarter note equals 42, but I'm not really sure.

What is the ratio of 2 and one eighth inch and 2 and three quarter inch?

Do it in eighths: 2 and one eighth is 17 eighths, while 2 and three-quarter is 22 eighths, so the ratio is 17 to 22.

How much weight can a three quarter inch plywood trailer flood hold?

A three quarter inch plywood trailer floor can typically support a distributed load of about 50-60 pounds per square foot. However, the weight capacity may vary depending on the quality of the plywood used and the design of the trailer.

How do you cut a hexagon from a piece of plywood that is 6 and three quarter by 7 and three quarters on a table saw?

Assuming that the piece of plywood is approximately rectangular, simply cut off any two corners. It will then be a hexagon.

Do three quarter notes and two eighth notes equal a whole note?

Yes, they do.

How much does a three quarter inch x 4 x 8 sheet of plywood weigh?

245 lbs

If there is half a circle a quarter circle and an eighth of a circle how much more of the circle is needed to make it whole?

Half circle plus quarter circle is equal to three-fourths of a circle. Three-fourths of a circle plus one eighth of a circle is seven-eighths. You still need one more eighth to complete the circle.

What is the price of three quarter inch thick plywood?

that depends on the type of plywood 3/4" ranges from about 20.00 to about 50.00 a sheet (cheap flooring to higher end finish plywood and marine grade pressure treated) in my area. . .check around.

What is three and three eighths in decimal form?

Three and three eighths in decimal is 3.375. A half is 0.5, a quarter is 0.25 and an eighth is 0.125, therefore three eighths is 0.375.