166 and 2/3
The square root of 166 is 12.88409873
166 cm is about 5.45 feet.
12 inches = 1 foot so 166 inches = 166/12 = 13.833... feet
1,494 square feet = 166 square yards.
There are 9 square feet per square yard. Doing the math gives an answer of 1.494 square feet.
166 and 2/3
Barbados is 21 mi/34 km long, 14 mi/23 km wide and 430 sq km or 166 sq miles in size.
The square root of 166 is 12.88409873
166 centimeters = 5.44619 feet
1 square meter = 10.7639104 square feet 165 x 10.7639104 = 1776.0451
Barbados is approximately 166 square miles in size.
166 feet
166 cm is about 5.45 feet.
12 inches = 1 foot so 166 inches = 166/12 = 13.833... feet