an equilateral triangle has all its angle and sides equal
The definition of a scalene triangle is: A three-sided figure (triangle) with no two sides equal.
A figure is called 'equilateral' when all of it's sides are equal lengths. ie: an equilateral triangle.
An isosceles triangle.
A scalene triangle
a pyramid, in the sense that most people think of has a square base, with 4 triangle 'sides', which would be 5 faces. A regular tetrahedron has 4 equilateral triangles as faces.
an equilateral triangle has all its angle and sides equal
pentagonal square
An octohedron, or diamond
A pentagonal pyramid.
an equalatural triangle is a triangle ( 3 sided figure) that has all equal sides.
The definition of a scalene triangle is: A three-sided figure (triangle) with no two sides equal.
EQUILATERAL triangle. Two sides the same length , and two angles equal is ISOSCELES Triangle A triangle with a Right-Angle is a RIGHT -ANGLED Triangle No equal sides/angles is a SCALENE triangle.
pyramid. Base is a square, but each of the 4 sides is a triangle.
It is an equilateral triangle that has 3 equal sides.