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Q: What solid figure has an odd number of vertices?
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Can a prism have an odd number of vertices's?

No. Not can it have an odd number of vertices.

Can a prism have odd number of vertices's?


Does a pyramid always have an odd number of vertices?

No. A pyramid can have any number of vertices from 4 upwards.

Can a prism have an odd number of vertices?

No, it cannot.

Can a prism have and odd number of verticles?

No, because there is no such word as verticle. It cannot have an odd number of vertices either!

Can you draw a plus sign in a square without lifting your pencil or overlapping lines?

No. You can have at most two vertices where an odd number of lines meet. The required figure has four.

What is the Chromatic number of a cycle graph?

3 if n is odd 2 if n is even where n is the number of vertices.

How do you get the of a center of a regular polygon?

If it is a polygon with an even number (>2) of vertices, join any two pairs of opposite vertices. These lines will meet in the centre. If it is a polygon with an odd number (>1) of vertices, join any two vertices to the midpoints of the opposite sides. These lines will meet in the centre.

Number of odd numbers from 100 to 200?

Half of ALL numbers are odd. So half of those numbers are odd. Figure it out.

What is the pattern for a polygon with odd numbered sides?

3 sides and vertices, 5 sides and vertices, 7 sides and vertices, and so on. There is no other pattern, necessarily.

Is it possible to have 2 even and 2 odd vertices in a shape?

Yes, but not a polygon (or polyhedron).Consider a quadrilateral with one diagonal. The end points of the diagonal are at odd vertices while the other two are even.

What makes a network 'traversable'?

In order for a network to be transversable, it either needs to have all of the vertices even, or just 2 odd vertices