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A triangular based pyramid would fit the given description

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Q: What solid figure has on triangular base and three triangular faces?
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A Triangular Prism

What is a solid figure that has two triangular faces and three rectangular faces?

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What are triangular pyamids?

A triangular pyramid is a tetrahedron, or a solid three-dimensional figure made up of four triangular faces.

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What is a solid figure that has 3 rectangular faces?

Triangular prisim. The three faces are rectangles, while the two bases are triangles.

What solid figure has as a triangle base and 3 rectangular faces?

A 3D shape with one base and three faces can only have triangular faces.

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Triangular prism

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Which solid has two triangular and three rectangular faces?

a triangular prism

What is a figure with three triangular faces?

a trangular pramid

What figure has two triangular faces and three rectangular face?

Triangular prism

What solid figured has three triangular faces?

a triangle