3/4 time.
akoy isang pinoy . the time signature is 4/4
Foxtrot music is in 4/4 time.
4/4 time.
earth song
its time signature is 3/4
Time signature: 3/4
leron leron sinta or Dandansuy. Answered by Renielle Ann Hahahahaha.
leron leron sinta or Dandansuy. Answered by Renielle Ann Hahahahaha.
3/4 is a time signature, not a key signature.
The time signature in Billie Jean by Michael Jackson is 4/4, like most other Jackson songs. The time signature of 4/4 is used in most Popular Music, Rock, Country and Blues
Time signature of ili ile tulog anay
time signature is a fraction
What is the Metes of Ang