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Information about future employment growth--and the nature of that growth--is of critical importance to public officials, businesses, young people preparing for careers, and those who design educational programs at all levels.

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Q: What sort of employment projection does the Bureau of Labor Statistics publish?
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What sort of employee compensation statistics does the Bureau of Labor Statistics publish?

wages and benefits--are undertaken that relate to occupations, industries, and areas of the country. An initiative begun in 2000 produces national employment cost indexes, employment cost levels, and employee benefit incidence.

Who collects us employment data?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is responsible for estimates of employment in the US.

What sort of employment safety and health statistics does the Bureau of Labor Statistics publish?

Information analyzed and summarized includes job-related injuries and illnesses by industry, nature of the injury or illness, and the workers involved. There is also a compilation of work-related deaths.

What are the employment prerequisites for working at the Bureau of Labor Statistics?

Employment is restricted by law to U.S. citizens. Most professional jobs require a bachelor's degree or its equivalent in experience.

When was Croatian Bureau of Statistics created?

Croatian Bureau of Statistics was created in 1875.

When was Bureau of Labor Statistics created?

Bureau of Labor Statistics was created in 1884.

What inflation measures does the Bureau of Labor Statistics publish monthly?

Each month the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Producers Price Index (PPI) are prepared.

What do the Bureau of Labor Statistics do?

There are many things that the Bureau of Labor Statistics do. Examples of things that he Bureau of Labor Statistics do include collecting, analyzing, and processing economic information.

What are some questions that the Bureau of Labor Statistics answers?

"Is employment below or above the level of last month?" "What has happened to prices during the past month?"

Where can one find information on labor jobs?

As a labourer, one can find employment in many different ways. One of the ways is to join a union, which will ensure that the prospective labourer is paid a certain wage, and is compensated for overtime. These unions can be found online. Another way to find government-sponsored jobs as a labourer is to visit the Bureau of Labour Statistics, where the prospective labourer can find jobs in fields such as construction.

What is the employment rate for jobs related to chemical engineering?

In the USA, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 30,200 jobs for chemical engineers in 2010. An employment rate of 6%. In Canada the employment rate for chemical engineering is described as "fair", and the outlook as "lukewarm".

How does the Bureau of Labor Statistics collect information?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics collects information through various methods such as surveys, interviews, and administrative records. They use tools like the Current Population Survey and the Occupational Employment Statistics survey to gather data on employment, wages, and other labor-related information from businesses, households, and government agencies.