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Q: What sort of variation do you think finger length is?
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Can Portable CD Players burn your finger?

There are no parts that would cause any sort of burning to your finger.

How can you get your fingernail to regrow due to an injury from a dog bite?

Soak your finger in hot water,Then wrap the finger in a Bandage of some sort

How do you teach your puppy no?

You can point your finger at it and sort of yell NO. repeat this until they learn.

What is the definition of a Masonic ring?

A ring for the finger with some sort of Masonic symbol on it.

Hollyn what does that mean?

Sort of a made-up name. Should probably be considered a variation of Holly, which of course, is a tree.

Is scolding a sort of punishment?

Scolding is verbal punishment. Kind of like wagging your finger and telling someone that what they did is wrong.

What is the gold thing on lelouch's finger at the beginning of the code geass r2 ending 1 and in the middle of code geass r2 ending 2?

It looks like a finger claw weapon of some sort.

What should you think of the nucleus as being?

you can think of it as sort of the brain of a cell

Why was Ben Burnley wearing ring on his ring finger is he married?

No I don't think he is...I saw his rings hes got 3 and they have some sort of design on them. That I might add look AwEsOmE...Didn't look like a wedding ring have to tell ya

Your dad cut his finger really deep on the cabinet should he get stitches?

Most cuts will not need any sort of treatment, but will need to be cleaned. If your dad's finger is quite deep, I would take him by the emergency to get check out.

What is geneses?

i think its a book of some sort

What sort of man do you think melchior is?
