When you hit it, it yells in pain.
Nothing. It is always possible to make a duplicate triangle.
78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.
If you're referring to a triangle waveform, it's commonly used for bass in NES music.
They make four triangles, not a triangle.
When you hit it, it makes a sound.
because its a triangle
The triangle produces a high-pitched ringing sound when struck. The pitch of the sound can vary depending on the size of the triangle and the material it's made of.
When you hit it, it yells in pain.
a triangle makes a sort of 'Ting' sound witch is made when you hit the triangle with a metal beater!
The harder you hit it - the more the triangle vibrates, and the louder the sound it produces.
by the vibrations from the stick thing hitting the metal.
The triangle is a percussion instrument and is in the shape of a triangle and is made from metal- this instrument is normally played with a beater to make diferent sounds which start and finish before the next sound is made. :)
The triangle produces sound when it is struck with a metal beater. The vibrations created by the impact produce a clear, ringing tone that resonates throughout the metal structure of the triangle. The size and thickness of the triangle affects the pitch and volume of the sound produced.
When a triangle is hit, it vibrates and creates sound waves. The vibrations travel through the metal of the triangle, causing the air molecules around it to vibrate and produce sound. The sound we hear is a result of these vibrations reaching our ears.
To play a triangle, you hold it by the string or clip and strike the metal bar with a beater to create a ringing sound. The position of the strike on the triangle can change the pitch of the sound produced.
The triangle