

Best Answer

what ever sound you want it to be like blbsdfnigafjna that is a good example of the sound a rolling dice would make by dahc and nedyaj read these names backwards dice roller hahahahahahahah` dahc killed your dog/cat maybe your donkey

now can you answer my question is your dog dead

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Q: What sound would the rolling of dice make?
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How do you make dice roll a certain number?

You don't. The rolling of dice is a uniformly random proposition. Cheating at dice is illegal, and WikiAnswers does not give information about illegal activity.

What is the probability of getting a 9 on a roll of 3 dice?

123456123456723456783456789456789105678910116789101112234567345678456789134567845678956789102456789567891067891011356789106789101178910111246789101178910111289101112135789101112891011121391011121314689101112139101112131410111213141556789106789101178910111216789101178910111289101112132789101112891011121391011121314389101112139101112131410111213141549101112131410111213141511121314151651011121314151112131415161213141516176111213141516121314151617131415161718Each dice gives 6 faces, that means we have 6x6x6=216 results for rolling 3 dice.The easy way is to make a table and count how many 9 are there, you will find 25.that means we will get 25/216

When two dice are rolled what is the probability of getting a sum greater than or equal to 9?

There are 36 different outcomes when rolling two dice. 4 combinations make 9. 3 make 10, 2 make 11 and 1 makes 12. 4+3+2+1 = 10 10 out of 36 = 10/36 = 0.277777 = 27.8 %

What the probability of rolling a sum of nine with a single toss of two fair six sided dice?

There are 36 different ways to roll 2 6-sided dice. The ones that make 9 are: 3+6 , 4+5 , 5+4 , 6+3 4 out of 36 = 4/36 = 0,111111111 = 11,1 %

What is the probability of rolling a sum of a 6 on two dice?

On two fair 6-sided dice: 5 out of 36 = 13.89%. Consider the two dice unique. Maybe one is black with white spots, and the other is white with black spots. There are 36 possible outcomes. You can make a table of the sums, and see that five of the outcomes have a sum of 6. Here they are:1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, 5+1

Related questions

How do you make dice roll a certain number?

You don't. The rolling of dice is a uniformly random proposition. Cheating at dice is illegal, and WikiAnswers does not give information about illegal activity.

What is the probability of rolling doubles three time in a row After rolling a dice 250 times?

the chances of rolling doubles once is 1 in 6; 3 times in a row it is 1 in 216. It does not make any difference after how many times you rolled the dice before.

Why would the transmission make a grinding sound when putting it into park from drive but not the other way around?

you have got to make sure your not rolling

How many times would you have to roll a pair of dice to make double sixs a 50 percent probability?

If you roll a pair of fair dice 25 times, the probability of rolling a double six at least once is just above 50% (50.55%).

How do you make a dice game in php that rolls the dice 10 times and counts up the result of the rolls?

Are you asking for the design of the game or simply just asking how to make a dice roll? I do happen to know a free dice rolling tool if you are interested. Go to, it is a chat system designed for USOR Games, but it has a automated dice rolling. You just message in the lobby saying "usor roll 2d10+3d56", it will show results. You do need to register. The nice thing is everything is free.

What make the sound on a bmx?

The only thing I can think of that would make a sound on a regular BMX would be the ticking from the pawls in the freewheel/freehub mechanism - the one way clutch that allows you to keep the pedals still while rolling forward.

Why did the soldiers roll the dice?

In some cases, soldiers have been known to roll dice to make decisions in situations of uncertainty or to pass the time during periods of boredom or stress. Rolling dice can create an element of chance and randomness that adds excitement or a sense of fairness to situations where choices need to be made.

What does it mean that the probability of rolling the number four with two fare dice?

Fair dice are dice that are not weighted on one side to make a particular number more probable than the others. The probablity of a four on one dice is 1/6. The probability of a four showing on either or both of two dice is 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3 (Note this is different from rolling a total score of four with two dice which can be achieved with 1+3, 3+1 or 2+2 which is 3 out of 36 combinations or 3/36)

What is the probability of rolling a pair of dice and obtaining a sum of 9?

Assuming of course that we are talking about cubic dice. combinations that make 9: 6&3, 5&4, 4&5, 3&6. There are 4 combinations that make 9. There are 36 possible combination of two dice. So 4/36 is 1/9

Using 2 dice how many different combinations can you roll?

you cam make 36 different combinations.Ans 2.If you roll one dice twice, there are 36 combinations, if and only if you count 1,2 as different from 2,1.If you are rolling two dice (at once) there are only 21 different combinations !

How do cows make dice?

They do not make dice.

What causes a rolling sound when you make a turn in your car?

You may have a wheel bearing on it's way out.