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Q: What special symbols mark a multi line comment?
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How can you create a comment in a C plus plus program?

There are two ways:The single line comment with a double slash //. Everything after the double slash on a single line is commented out.The multi-line comment using a /* to open, and a */ to close.A good IDE will color code the comments instantly.

Explain different types of comment line in JAVA?

// The first type of comment is the single-line comment. // The single-line comment is denoted by a double slash. /* The next type of comment begins with a slash-asterisk, and ends with an asterisk-slash. It is often called a multi-line comment because it can span multiple lines with only one start indicator (/*) and one ending indicator (*/) */ /** * The last type of comment is the Javadoc comment. This * comment type has some guidelines that allows a Javadoc * reader to display information about a Java method or class * by using special tags: * * @param myNum - describe what the parameter myNum is used for * @return - describe what this method returns */ public static int doStuff(int myNum){}

How do you put comment statement in php?

For one line comment // Your one-line comment here For multi line comments /* * Multi-line comments here * some explanation * @author The author of the code * @version The version of the code * @date The date code was written * @params The parameters of the code * @return What is returned. For eg. a string, a number or a boolean */ Not everything written is multi-line is essential. Just write a comment in way that you and people who see your code in the future understand what that piece of code does

What is the correct JavaScript syntax to insert a comment that has more than one line?

The proper syntax to insert a multi-line comment into JavaScript is to surround the comment with /* and */ function useless() { /* This function doesn't do anything We should come back to it. Soon. */ }

What are the two types of comments in c programming language and how do they differ?

C uses two types of comment: single-line and multi-line. The multi-line comment originated in C while the single-line comment originated in C++. Both types are supported by both languages today. A single-line comment begins with the double-slash token (//) and extends to the end of the line. A multi-line comment begins with the slash-asterisk token (/*) and ends with the asterisk-slash token (*/). Examples: int x; // this is a single-line comment /* this is multi-line comment, typically used to introduce a function or class */ Note that since multi-line comments are fully-delimited, they may be used within the middle of a line of code. This is most useful when a function is forward-declared with a default value for one of its arguments and you wish to include that default value in the function definition (something which is not permitted under the one-definition rule): void f (int = 0); // declaration void f (int x /* = 0 */) { // definition } Such usage is really only of use to the function maintainer, as a reminder that the function has a default value. We can also use this technique when a function has an argument that is reserved for future use, but is otherwise unused in the current version of the function: void g (int); // declaration void g (int /* unused */) { // definition } Again, such usage is only of use to the function maintainer.

What is the correct way to add comment in PHP?

// For single line comments /* Your comments here */ For multi-line comments

What is the comments tag?

To add a comment in HTML 4, 5, or XHTML, you can use the comment tag. The tag looks like this: <!-- This is a comment. This is only a comment --> You can only use two hyphens in XHTML, and the space must be present for validation. This can be a multi-line comment by simply adding newlines. <!-- This is a comment. This is only a comment -->

How does one make a JavaScrip comment?

JavaScript comments can be made by making a code. Single line comments have to begin //. Multi-line comments can also be created by starting /* and ending */.

What is single line comment?

single line comment are comment written in single c there are two types of comment single line and multiple line.single line comment is written using // and multiple line comment is written between /*comment*/.compiler does not compile is used for better understanding of program.

11 What is a comment line How is a comment line noted within a file?

A comment line is a line or part of a line in a program that is intended as a remark or comment and is ignored when the program runs. It is noted within the file by using a semi-colon or an REM to mark a line as a comment.

What is single line comments as used in C programming?

single line comment are comment written in single c there are two types of comment single line and multiple line.single line comment is written using // and multiple line comment is written between /*comment*/.compiler does not compile is used for better understanding of program.

How do you leave comment on php code?

There are 3 styles of PHP comments // comment a single line # comment a single line (perl-style /* comment block */