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If it is the red light we see. I believe you will find that it is a low coolant light. Ours has a coolant leak so we see this light a lot. If it is the red light we see. I believe you will find that it is a low coolant light. Ours has a coolant leak so we see this light a lot.

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Q: What specifically does 2001 Alero dash indicator square with apparent liquid inside mean?
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What is liquid use for?

As a temp. indicator in thermometers.

Could universal indicator be used to identify a liquid as being pure water?

A pH indicator is used only to measure the pH of the solution.

How is the use of indicator paper important to scientists?

With indicator papers the pH of a liquid is evaluated. Also many indicator papers are used for testing chemicals.

What is the color of washing up liquid on a universal indicator?

The color of washing up liquid on a universal indicator would typically be blue or green, indicating a neutral pH. This is because washing up liquid is usually slightly alkaline, which falls within the blue-green range on a universal indicator scale.

What does universal indicator test for?

A universal indicator changes color in response to the pH of a liquid. Do determine the pH of the liquid, you need to refer to a color chart that tells you which color indicates which pH.

What is apparent expansion of liquid?

The apparent expansion of a liquid refers to the increase in volume of a liquid when its temperature rises. This expansion occurs due to the increased kinetic energy of the liquid particles, causing them to move farther apart. The amount of expansion is generally calculated using the coefficient of volume expansion.

Which type of level indicator is used in chlorine storage tank?

A common type of level indicator used in chlorine storage tanks is a magnetic level indicator. This type of indicator uses a float with a magnetic element inside the tank that moves up and down with the liquid level, causing the external indicator to change accordingly. Magnetic level indicators are often preferred for chlorine tanks due to their reliability and ability to provide accurate level readings.

What is liquid crystal from coconut oil fatty acids?

It is a liquid crystal that is joined in the coconut to make oil that can be an indicator..

What is the colour of washing up liquid with universal indicator?


How does red cabbage indicator work?

A red cabbage indicator is a liquid made from mashed up red cabbage which you then put in a liquid to see whether it is acidic or not. If it is acidic the liquid would turn reddy orange and if it was an alkali ( the opposite to acid) it would turn purpley blue. This is if the liquid was clear in the first place.

Where is the water damage indicator on a blackberry curve?

The liquid damage indicator (LDI) - or as most people know it, the water damage indicator, on a Blackberry Curve is a small tab inside the battery compartment. All BlackBerry smartphones and batteries have at least one water damage indicator that can indicate even a small amount of liquid damage to a BlackBerry smartphone or battery. The location of the LDI can vary, depending on the BlackBerry smartphone or battery. However, on the Blackberry Curve it is possible to see it if the back of the phone is taken off. If there has been no damage then the color will be white. Any moisture that has entered the phone will cause it to turn red.

Why is water used as the universal indicator?

Water is NOT Universal Indicator. Water is often referred to as a Universal Solvent as a large number of substances are soluble in it. Universal Indicator is a chemical agent that can be used to test the pH of a liquid.