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Q: What speed is equal to the total distance traveled divided by the total time of travel?
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What is formula for speed?

The physics formula for speed is s = d x t whered is the distance traveled in a period of timet is the amount of time it took to travel the distances is the speed traveled

What does it mean about your displacement is equal to the distance you traveled?

displacement is equal to the distance you traveled when the object is moving at shortest path

When does distance traveled equal the magnitude of displacement vector?

Distance traveled is equal to the magnitude of the displacement vector when the motion is in a straight line.

What is the relationship that allows you to solve for average speed?

Speed is equal to the distance traveled divided by the time taken. SPEED = (DIST/Time)

What is the formula of getting the velocity?

Velocity is equal to distance traveled divided by the time it took to travel. v = d / t Velocity also equals the initial velocity plus the acceleration times time. v = v1 + a(t)

How do you calculate time when you are given speed and distance?

distance divided by speed is equal to time traveled. Example--Distance: 350mph--Speed: 60mph 350 miles divided by 60 miles per hour(mph) equals 5.833 hours

Is the magnitude of displacement greater than or equal to the magnitude of the distance traveled?

In general, the magnitude of displacement can be either greater than, equal to, or less than the magnitude of the distance traveled. This depends on the specific path taken by the object. If the path involves any changes in direction, the displacement can be shorter than the distance traveled. If the object moves in a straight line, the displacement and distance traveled will be equal.

When is displacement equal to the distance traveled?

Displacement is equal to the distance traveled when the motion is along a straight line. This happens when the motion is in one direction without any changes in direction. In such cases, the magnitude of displacement is equal to the total distance traveled.

A car traveled 930 km in 11 hours What was the average rate of speed traveled per hour?

Divide the distance by the time. The equation is rate x time=distance. So Rate is equal to distance divided by time. In this case it is 930/11 about 84.5 km/hr

Is it possible to displacement to be greater than distance?

No, displacement is a vector quantity that represents the change in position of an object, while distance is the total length traveled. Displacement can never be greater than distance, as displacement only takes into account the shortest path between two points, whereas distance considers the total path length traveled.

Distance time graph?

distance time graph is a graph traveled in a graph which shows how much we have traveled in equal period of time.