

What square root of 202?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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Approx 14.21

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Q: What square root of 202?
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What is the square root of 202?

The square root of 202 equals 14.213 or the square root of 202 (only factors of 202 are 202, 101, 2 and 1)

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202 + 42 =216=hypotenuse squared= 4(square root (26)) actually you are wrongIt is rather simple really 20*20 which equals 400 and 400 + 4*4 which is 16 will equal 416 and then you square root 416 and get 20.396

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Some examples are: the square root of any integer between 192 and 202, or the cube root of any integer between 193 and 203, or the fourth root of any integer between 194 and 204.

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Use Pythagoras: 202+482 = 2704 and the square root of 2704 is 52 Answer: 52 meters

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Improved Answer:-Use Pythagoras' theorem: 202+302 = 1300 and the square root of this is the answer which is about 36.056 rounded to 3 decimal places