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Q: What square table 4 feet in each side has two drop leaves each semicircle 4 feet in diameter what is the perimeter?
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We have given a square and in which two semicircle are placed then what is the perimeter of this square?

Assuming the semicrcles make a circle that fits precisely inside the square, then the perimeter of the square is 4d, where d is the diameter of the circle (or semicircle) C Bad

A Norman window has the shape of a semicircle atop a rectangle so that the diameter of the semicircle is equal to the width of the rectangle. What is the area of the window with a perimeter of 45 feet?

To find the area of the Norman window, you need to divide the perimeter by 2 to get the width of the rectangle, which is 22.5 feet. The radius of the semicircle is half of the rectangle's width, so it's 11.25 feet. The area of the rectangle is 11.25 * 22.5 = 253.13 square feet, and the area of the semicircle is 0.5 * pi * 11.25^2 = 198.93 square feet. So, the total area of the window is 253.13 + 198.93 = 452.06 square feet.

What is the perimeter of a square if the diameter is 10cm?

The perimeter is 20*sqrt(2) cm = 28.2843 cm

How do you find the area of a rectangle inside of the enclose semicircle if the diameter is 28cm?

It can have any value up to 392 square cm.

If the diameter of a pizza was 50cm and it was a perfect semicircle what is the area of the smallest square box in square centimetres that could contain the half pizza?

i need the answer asap plz

How do you find the circumference of a circle if only the perimeter is given?

The perimeter of a circle is the circumference. If you mean the circle is drawn around (and touches the 4 corners of) a square, and you know the perimeter of the square, you divide the square's perimeter by 4, do pythagorean's theorem on the 2 sides (legs) to find the hypotenuse, and that hypotenuse will be the diameter of the circle. You then multiply that diameter you get by pi to get the circumference.

What is the perimeter of the largest rectangular in circle?

The largest diameter you can inscribe in a circle is a square. The square's diagonal is equal to the diameter of the circle; the length of the side of the square is therefore equal to the circle's diameter, divided by the square root of 2.

What is the area of a semicircle if the diameter is 8 cm?

It is: pi*4^2 divided by 2 = 8/pi which is about 25 square cm

What is the perimeter of a square in centimeters circumscribing a circle of radius a centimeters?

The side of the square is equal to the diameter of the circle, in this case 2a so the perimeter is 8a cm.

What is the length of a semi circle with 10cm diameter Using 3.14 as the pi r square?

-- You do not need the 'square'. You only need the 'pi' and the diameter. -- The circumference of a circle is (pi) x (diameter). -- Is it really necessary to go further and point out that the length of a semicircle is 1/2 of that ?

How do you find the area and perimeter of circle?

First you have to measure the diameter of the circle. The diameter is pi (pi is approximately 3.1415) times the diameter is the perimeter. Half the diameter is the radius and the area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. So for example, let us say that you have a circle with a diameter of 3 inches. The perimeter is then about 9.42 inches, and the area is about 7.07 square inches.

Which is longer the circumference of a circle with a five inch diameter or the perimeter of a square that measures 4 inches on a side?

The square because its perimeter is 16 inches while the circumference of the circle is 15.708 inches.