

What stands for c and c1?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What stands for c and c1?
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The simplest and best way is: =SUM(C1:C14)

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If c were 3, the answer would be 30. If c were 5, the answer would be 130. c3+c1 = (c*c*c) + c

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#include# includechar c1,c2,a[80];void main(){clrscr();find_rep();getch();}void find_rep(void)/* Function to find & replace any text */{char c1,c2;char a[80];int i,j,k;printf("Enter a line of text below:-");printf("Press Enter after line..");printf("You Have Entred:- ");gets(a);printf("Enter the replaceable & replacing letter respectively:- ");scanf("%c %c %c",&c1,' ',&c2); //i have given space & 2nd %cfor (j=0;j

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c =c1 +c2

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There are no schedule C or C1 drugs. The DEA lists controlled drugs as Schedule 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Some Schedule 1 drugs are heroin, ecstasy, and marijuana.

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C stands for CMOS !!!!!!

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A stands for attack, C stands for cargo

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If it is a capital c it stands between b and d.

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