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Q: What state has the largest number of people 65 years and over?
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Which Us state has the largest number of districts?

California, with 53, the number of districts is based on population and is reapportioned every few years

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The largest number of immigrants coming to the US did between the years of 1991 to 2000 with 1 9,095,417 total immigrants. The top five countries with legal immigration into the United States are Mexico, India, People's Republic of China, Vietnam and Philippines.

Which house of congress is closest to the people?

The U.S. House of Representatives should have the higher potential of representing the people (if Congress should ever decide to do so for a change) because they have always been elected by the people, their numbers per state are proportional to each state's population, and they are elected by and are supposed to represent smaller groups of people. The average congressional district had less than 711000 residents at the time of the 2010 census, and the largest has under a million. The Senate has the same number of members per state, each member represents his/her whole state, the largest of which has over 37 million people, and until about 100 years ago they weren't even elected by the public.

Which is the largest prime number ever known?

Please note that there cannot be a largest prime number; Euclid proved that about 2000 years ago. As to the largest known prime number, according to the Wikipedia, as of January 2014, the largest known prime number is 2 to the power 57,885,161 − 1, a number with 17,425,170 digits. This number was found to be a prime in January 2013.

Where does the number of congressmen from each state depends on?

The number of representatives from each state depends on its size. I have this same question for a History question and I found the answer, so hope this helps :) i don't get this Is that for the Senate or the House of Representatives?

How do the branches of the U.S legislature differ in representation?

Senate is made up of 100 people elected every 6 years and is considered the upper house. The House of Representatives is the lower house and is made up of 435 people. The number is based on the census taken every 10 years to determine the population of each state. So the number of Representatives varies by state.

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Cecil Andrus was Governor of the State of Idaho and later became Secretary of the Interior. I met him last year. Frank Church was a senator from Idaho, and Idaho's largest wilderness area is named after him. This is the largest roadless area in the lower 48 states. My great grandfather was an Idaho State senator and was also postmaster for the state, many years ago.

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The age at which a state trooper can retire varies depending on the specific regulations of the state they work in. Typically, state troopers can retire with full benefits after serving a certain number of years, regardless of age. This number of years can range from 20-30 years of service.

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Nobody knows the exactly the number of people who lived on earth in 100 years

How many representatives would each state have in the national legislative?

The number varies by state. Every 10 years a census is done to determine population and when this is finished the number of representatives in each state goes up or down. Districts are created and numbered and people run for office in that district. The total number of Representatives is 435.