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Q: What state is copper at 25 degrees c?
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What will be the state oh water at 25 C?

The state of water at -25 C is solid. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.

What is the state of phenol at 25 C degrees?

Phenol is a solid at room temperature (25°C). It has a melting point of 40.5°C, so at 25°C, it would exist in a solid state.

What is the state of mercury at 25 degrees c?

Mercury is a liquid at 25 degrees Celsius.

What state is oxygen at 25 degrees c?


What is the state of OXYGEN at 25 degrees C?

Pure oxygen is a gas at 25 C, regardless of the pressure.

What is the state of xenon at 25 degrees c?

Xenon is a noble gas and it exists as a gas at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius).

What is 25 degrees C in Fahrenheit?

25 degrees C = 77 degrees F

What is the difference. 25 degrees c to -18 degrees c?

The difference between 25°C and -18°C is 43 degrees. This means that 25°C is warmer than -18°C by 43 degrees.

What is the physical state is zinc at 25 degrees c?

Zinc is a solid at 25 degrees Celsius. It has a melting point of 419.5 degrees Celsius and a boiling point of 907 degrees Celsius.

What state would copper be at 800 degrees?

Copper would be in liquid form at 800 degrees Celsius. Copper has a melting point of 1084 degrees Celsius, so at 800 degrees, it would have already melted but not yet boiled into a gas.

Would copper be a solid liquid or gas at 2000 degrees C?

Copper is a solid at 2000 degrees Celsius. It has a melting point of 1084 degrees Celsius, so at 2000 degrees Celsius, copper would be in its liquid state.

What does copper melt at?

Copper melts at 1084.62 C or 1984.316 FCopper melts at 1084.62 C or 1984.31