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Q: What statement contains an example of logical fallicies?
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What statement contains an example of a logical fallacy?

"All politicians are dishonest because one politician was caught lying." This statement contains the logical fallacy of hasty generalization, as it draws a broad conclusion about all politicians based on the actions of just one individual.

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Logical Fallicies to support their points.

Who is likely to be concerned with logical fallicies?

The term essentially means a mistake in reasoning. Hence, those likley to be concerned would be those who have an avid interest in philosophy. Plato was reknowned for his research into logical fallacies.

What type of logical fallacy is this statement an example of?

Without knowing the specific statement, it is difficult to identify the type of logical fallacy. Can you please provide the statement so I can assist you further?

What function is a logical function that returns one value if the statement is true and returns a different value if the statement is false?

isdigit is an example (see in ctype.h)

What statement contains an example of logical fallacy?

If you dont pass this test you wont go to collage

If all vertebrates have backbones and turtles are vertebrates then turtles have backbones This statement is an example of?

This statement is an example of a deductive argument. It presents a logical sequence of reasoning where the conclusion follows necessarily from the premises.

What is a logical argument in which each statement is backed up by a statement that is accepted as true?

A logical argument in which each statement is backed up by a statement that is accepted as true is a proof.

What is a compound statement?

A compound statement is a logical statement that combines two or more simpler statements using logical connectives (such as "and," "or," "not"). The truth value of a compound statement is determined by the truth values of its component statements and the logical operators used to connect them.

What function in MS Excel which checks the logical condition of a statement?

IF function

This sentence contains an example of what type logical fallacy?

this man left his wife for another woman so we cant trust him

Define Tautology and Fallacy?

A Tautology is any logical statement that always results in True. Example, the statement - "Malaria is dangerous" is always true.A Fallacy is a statement that always results in False. Example - "Toxic waste is easy to store" - is always falseThere are exactly opposite of each other.