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Q: What states still use the McNaughton Rule?
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David B. McNaughton has written: 'Transition strategies for adolescents & young adults who use AAC' -- subject(s): Communication devices for people with disabilities, People with disabilities, Communication Disorders, Means of communication, Rehabilitation

Which kind of government did the Greeks use?

They had one man to rule over multiple city states.(or Polis)

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Democracy continues in the United States of America because it is basically Majority Rulesand this rule is very fair and just. This is simply why we we still use democracy in the United States of America.

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the united states became an autonomous country, independent from Britain's rule because Revolutionary War.

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Most people don't use slide rules because pocket calculators are easier to use without special training, have more functionality, are less expensive, and are more accurate. But I still use a slide rule anyway. That is because I am an old frump.

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There use to be none, but in 1980 there was a reform that created a weak rule of law. This rule of law was only kinda followed but still better then before

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Strong states control their territories and maintain a monopoly of the use of force within their borders. These states derive the power to rule from competent institutions of coercion. Strong states may or may not have legitimacy. Strong states that have legitimacy adhere to the rule of law, provide core functions for their citizens, and enjoy the consent of the governed. Strong states that lack legitimacy usually favor a particular elite and rely on coercion to rule. Although these states do provide core functions, they do not adhere to the rule of law and much of their populations withhold consent. These states are vulnerable to challenges by other groups and political movements who may be perceived as being more legitimate than the state

Did the Philippines use the indirect or direct rule?

The Philippines was under direct rule by the United States during the American colonial period (1898-1946). The direct rule meant that the U.S. government had direct control over the administration and governance of the Philippines.

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Their commitment to rule of law and justice because we still use many of their laws today

What is one geometry rule that the Greeks discovered do we still use today?

It is Pythagoras' theorem that is applicable to any right angle triangle.