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Q: What statistical treatment used for research?
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What is statistical treatment in a research paper?

this part describes the statistical tools used in the research and the reason of the researcher in using such tools.

Example of a statistical treatment in a thesis?

The statistical treatment in a thesis is a tool. This tool is used to interpret data in a timely manner.

Are statistical functions used on research papers?

Yes, they are.

What is the formula of simple percentage in statistical treatment in research?

There are two formulas used in getting the simple percentage in statistical treatment in research. The first formula, Frequency and percentage distribution, % = f/N x 100, where f is the frequency and N is the number of cases. The next formula is Mean where the mean equals the sum of all scores divided by the number of cases.

What are the statistical tools used in marketing research?

Sas, spss

When was Statistical Methods for Research Workers created?

Statistical Methods for Research Workers was created in 1925.

Parts of descriptive research?

Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of the subjects being studied. Descriptive research is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical data collected during research.

What is full meaning of SPSS?

SPSS stands for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. It is a software program used for statistical analysis in social science research and other fields.

What is statistical treatment?

it explain how we conducted our thesis

What is statistical control?

A statistical technique used to eliminate variance in dependent variables caused by extraneous sources. In evaluation research, statistical controls are often used to control for possible variation due to selection bias by adjusting data for program and control group on relevant characteristics.

What is the definition of demographer?

Demographics, or demographic data, are selected population characteristics used in government, marketing or opinion research, or the demographic profiles used in such research.

What is non-directional research hypothesis?

A non-directional research hypothesis is a kind of hypothesis that is used in testing statistical significance. It states that there is no difference between variables.