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Q: What strategy would a historian most likely use to determine whether a source is valid?
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What is hypothesis in basic statistic?

A statistician may have some idea about some statistics in a data set, and there is a need to test whether or not that hypothesis is likely to be true. Data are collected and a test statistic is calculated. The value of this test statistic is used to determine the probability that the hypothesis is true.

What are three ways that you could begin to determine whether or not a bone found in your backyard is a fossil?

I think that one way is to check the colour (if its grey-stone coloured-then its more likely to be a fossil), another way may be to see if it is buried in hard rock or not although I am not sure about this last method.

What does the probability of a independent event that is likely to happen?

It is a real number between 0.5 and 1. Whether or not it is independent makes no difference to this answer.

How do you determend probibility?

You can either determine the probability through fractions. ( i.e: a coin has only two sides, if flipped it will be either heads or tails; the outcome will be 1/2 to happen: so equal chance of either. ) However, you can also determine it by how likely something is to happen, e.g: if it is winter it is likely it will rain, yet in summer it is unlikely to rain.

What standard and metric unit of measure could you use to determine how far you will run in a race?

Mile and kilometre. In my case, yards and metres, more likely.

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Which strategy would a historian most likely use to determine whether a source is valid?

checking its conclusions against other sources

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Determine how many battles during WW2 took place near small farming towns. :)

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A historian would be most likely to analyze a tablet with cuneiform to determine what goods were traded by the merchants of Ur.

Which historical thinking skill is the historian using?

The historian is likely using the skill of sourcing, which involves examining the origin of information to determine its credibility and relevance to the historical narrative. By identifying the sources of historical information, historians can better evaluate the context and perspective from which the information is presented.

What does corroborating sources allow political scientist to do?

determine whether an assertion made by one source is likely to be true.

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You can determine whether a spicule is calcareous or siliceous by performing a simple reactivity test: immerse the spicule in dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl). If it fizzes and dissolves, the spicule is likely calcareous (made of calcium carbonate). If there is no reaction, the spicule is likely siliceous (made of silica).

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By exploring likely possibilities and making a scatter plot

What question is most likely answered by a historian but not an archaeologist?

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Identify user groups of financial statements and explain what information they are likely to want from them?

One user group for financial statements is external investors. They use the documents to determine whether the business is profitable. Internally, managers look at financial documents to determine whether their department is profitable.