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Q: What structured programs can be easily broken down into routines and that can be assigned to any number of programmers?
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Is routines transitive noun?

The noun routines is a plural, common, abstract noun; the singular form is a routine. Transitive is a term for verbs, not for nouns.

What math function can be resolve by math coprocessor?

From Wikipedia: "Typical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square root. Some [older] systems ... can also perform various transcendental functions such as exponential or trigonometric calculations, though in most modern processors these are done with software library routines." Trigonometric refers to sine, cosine, etc., as well as the corresponding inverse functions. The exponential function is to calculate ex, in combination with the natural (base e) logarithm, this can be used to calculate powers.

What is the most popular sport in China?

I think it would depend upon if you are talking about spectator sports versus sports being played.Spectator wise, it probably is a toss-up between soccer (football) and basketball.Participation wise, I would say it is either badminton, ping pong or tai qi quan. Otherforms of martial arts (kung fu, wushu, etc.) are also popular. Of course, basketball and soccer are popular to play also.Morning exercises are still common throughout China, as well as dance routines (fan dance, sword dance, ethnic dancing, etc.).Good luck!Table Tennis, Badminton and athletics

What is a procedure?

Answer 1what is the steps to your science project ect,. Answer 2A procedure is a fixed, step-by-step sequence of activities or course of action (with definite start and end points) that must be followed in the same order to correctly perform a task.Repetitive procedures are called routines.

Two students Aisha and Norin are talking about their daily routines here are the opening lines of the dialogue between them continue by the writing relevant details?

Writing dialogue is not as hard as you're letting it seem. You have dialogue all the time -- it's called talking. If you honestly cannot think of what your characters are going to say to one another, you need to go take a break and go somewhere out in public. Sit somewhere in the middle of a crowd for one to two hours and just listen to people talking. Then, go home and write down some of the things you heard people saying. That's dialogue. When you need to have your characters talk, just pretend it's you and a friend (or several friends), and have them say something you'd probably say in the same situation. Then imagine what your friends would say in reply, and go back and forth that way. As you become a better writer, your characters themselves will "tell" you what they want to say, because they become like real people to you.

Related questions

What part that holds the programs application data and interrupt service routines when they are being executed?

When programs' application data and interrupt service routines are being executed they are held in a computer's main memory. The largest component of main memory is RAM.

What has the author Roger K Richards written?

Roger K. Richards has written: 'Statistical programs and routines available at Sheffield'

What is the name given to a set of programs routines and procedures that are used to operate the computer hardware?

Device drivers

What are fixed routines?

Fixed routines are regular, structured patterns of activities or behaviors that are followed consistently. They help individuals establish stability, predictability, and organization in their daily lives, contributing to increased productivity, efficiency, and well-being.

Where can I find more information on weight training routines ?

Assuming that you haven't tried weight training routines in the past, there are several programs available for beginners. There are many benefits to starting a program like this and you can find a lot of information about these programs at

Where can I get fitness center than provide weight training routines about Ohio?

You mean weight training routines in Ohio? I think you can call the help hotline to know the nearest gym. After which check whether they are programs in the gyms at Ohio which fit what you want.

Describe some personal habits that are important to you?

Personal habits to discuss on the interview need to be positive signs of responsibility and growth. Describe structured habits and routines. Organizational skills and memory abilities.

What type of muscles do weight training programs directly effect?

weight training effects the muscles that you work with the weights, there are many routines for every muscle group.

What describes a very structured person?

A very structured person is typically highly organized, follows routines diligently, and values order and efficiency in their daily life. They tend to plan ahead, prioritize tasks, and have a clear outline of their goals and objectives.

How many set programs or work out routines does this come with?

The proform 1050 STS, comes with 20 personal trainer workouts, and it also includes 4 heart rate workouts.

Can traps be generated intentionally by a user program?

Yes. User programs create traps for debugging purposes. A trap can be used to call the OS routines or to catch arithmetic errors.

What workout routines did the Hamster do in Pandora's Box?

Hamsters workout routines. Please see the related link below for a walkthrough of steps routines.