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Q: What subjects are taught in first grade?
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Samoan children are taught all subjects as taught in overseas countries

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CST 7th grade subjects are Pre Algebra and English

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The subjects taught in Chinese school are generally the same as anywhere else. Language, geography, math, social science, and art are the common subjects.

What courses are taught in us high schools?

I want to know what exact subjects and courses are thought in usa high schools. Because I am immigrating to us and I have finished 10th grade.

What is after first grade?

After first grade is second grade, which typically follows in the traditional elementary school system. Students continue to build on the foundational skills they learned in first grade while beginning to explore more advanced concepts in subjects like math, reading, and science.

What subjects are taught at hogwarts?

There is wide variety of subjects being taught at Hogwarts, but some of the main ones that are commonly mentioned in the books are:DivinationAncient RunesTransfigurationCharmsDefense Against The Dark ArtsHistory of MagicPotionsIMPROVEMENT:In first and second year there are only 6 subjects taught then in third year you get a choice of 10 subjects. There is 1 subject taught during the first year only. I have also included the teachers I know =]Subjects taught during first and second year:Transfiguration - Proffessor McGonagallCharms - Proffessor FlitwickHistory Of Magic - Proffessor BinnsDefense Against The Dark Arts - (Depends what book)Potions - Proffessor SnapeHerbology - Proffessor SproutFlying (taught during FIRST YEAR ONLY) - Madame HoochSubjects taught in third year (please note there are 10 subjects taught in 3rd year but I've found 11 - I'm not sure which one of these isn't in 3rd year - sorry):Transfiguration - Proffessor McGonagallDefense Against The Dark Arts - (Depends what book)Herbology - Professor SproutCharms - Proffessor FlitwickPotions - Professor SnapeCare Of Magical Creatures - Hagrid/ProfessorDivination - Professor TrelawneyArithmancy - Professor VectorMuggle StudiesAstronomy - Proffessor SinistraAncient RunesStudents have to select some of these subjects and not even clever clogs Hermione can study all 10 =P

What subjects were taught in Sparta?

In Sparta, the subjects taught to the youth included military training, physical education, survival skills, Spartan law, and obedience to the state. Academic subjects like reading, writing, and arithmetic were also taught, but they were not as important as physical and military training.

What subjects are taught in Ireland?

Irish, English, Maths, Geography, History, Science, Religion, Computers are some. Lots of languages and specific sciences are taught. Lots of more specialised subjects are taught in technical schools.

What subjects did Harry Potter study and who taught each of them?

First year students take flying lessons which is taught my Madam Hooch.Students are required to take the following class in their first five years at Hogwarts:Transfiguration taught by Professor McGongallCharms taught by Professor FlitwickHerbology taught by Professor SproutPotions taught by Professor SnapeHistory of Magic taught by Professor BinnsAstronomy taught by Professor SinistraDefence Against the Dark Arts taught by Professor Qurriel (first year), Professor Lockhart (second year), Professor Lupin (third year), Fake Professor Moody i.e Barty Crouch jr (fourth year) and Professor Umbridge (fifth year).In third to fifth year along with the subjects listed above Harry Potter studied:Divination taught by Professor TrewlaneyCare of Magical Creatures taught by Professor HagridIn sixth year students are allowed to drop and choose whatever subjects they please. Harry took the following subjects in sixth year (and seventh had he returned for it):Potions taught by Professor SlughornCharmsDefence Against the Dark Arts taught by Professor Snape (sixth year), Professor Carrow (seventh year, turned into 'Dark Arts')TransfigurationHerbology

What subjects were taught to Athenian?

art and literature and music

Were the 2nd grade worksheets harder then the 1st grade ones Why?

Second grade worksheets are going to slightly be a little harder for some children compared to the first grade worksheets. There are, of course, more steps to learn with all subjects.

What do you learn in Puerto Rico?

If you are asking about the educational system in Puerto Rico, the same basic subjects are taught as in the rest of the U.S. and High School graduates generally take the S.A.T. (usually referred to as The College Board test) and score similarly to their counterparts in the mainland. The main difference is that the subjects are taught in Spanish and English is taught as a separate subject from the 1st grade on. So all High School graduates should be nominally bilingual.