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It is 's' subshell.

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Q: What subshell represent a sphere shape?
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What solid shape has no face?

Since a sphere is round it is a shape without a face.

Which quantum number identifies the shape an electron subshell?

Azimuthal quantum number

Suppose you could see a 2s subshell and a 2p subshell. How could you tell them apart?

You can differentiate between a 2s and a 2p subshell based on their shape. The 2s subshell is spherically symmetric and has one orbital. On the other hand, the 2p subshell has a dumbbell shape and consists of three orbitals: px, py, and pz, each oriented along separate axes.

What is difference between an s subshell and a d subshell orbital?

The primary difference between an s subshell and a d subshell orbital is their shape and orientation. S subshell orbitals are spherical in shape and are found at the nucleus, while d subshell orbitals have cloverleaf or butterfly shapes and are oriented along axes passing through the nucleus. Additionally, d orbitals have more complex shapes due to their higher angular momentum quantum number.

A globe is what shape?

The shape of a globe is a SPHERE.

The subshell letter?

specific the 3-D shape of the orbiral

What is the shape of a ball?

sphere sphere

What kind of subshell does this diagram show?

The diagram shows an s subshell. This subshell has one orbital, which can hold up to 2 electrons with opposite spins. The s subshell is spherical in shape.

Is sphere 3D shape?

A sphere is a 3D shape. Here are some sphere facts: * A sphere has one face which wraps around the whole of it's shape. * A sphere is the 3D equivalent of a circle. * A sphere has no vertices or edges. CK x

Is an egg a sphere?

No an egg is not a sphere. It is an ovoid. This shape is named after the shape of an egg.

What does a sphere represent?

a circle

What is a sphere shape look like?

A perfect sphere is a perfect round ball shape.