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the least acidic would be the one closest to the neutral pH number of 7 (which is the pH of pure water, NOT salt water... salt water is slightly acidic i THINK due to salt content).

so in the case given in ur question, the least acidic would be the substance with pH level of 6.

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Q: What substances would be least acidic pH equals 2ph equals 3ph equals 6ph equals 1or pH equals 4?
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Ph is the most acidic?

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Basic substances commonly found at home include baking soda, soap, and bleach. Acidic substances that are typically found at home include vinegar and lemon juice.

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Substances with a pH below 7 are considered acidic. Low acidic pH levels would be closer to 0 on the pH scale, indicating a higher concentration of hydrogen ions. Examples of low acidic substances include hydrochloric acid (pH 1) and lemon juice (pH 2).

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