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Q: What subtraction problem can you form from the numbers 972353 to equal 68?
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Does addition and subtraction of vectors obey the commutative law?

Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.

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When a problem uses difference they are dealing with subtraction, the question is asking what minus what will equal 1. Therefore your answer is 2 and 1

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Subtraction is definitely an operation defined on real numbers. I'm guessing you are actually asking why subtraction is not included as a commutative operation, this is because a-b is not always equal to b-a.

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17-9 could be a score not a subtraction problem word

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If I remember correctly this is a straight subtraction problem. 189 - 80 = 109 wpm ========

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Yes it does. Because the it acts like subtraction, but since the positive, negative number scales run backwards like a mirror, subtraction is addition with two negative numbers.

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How do you get any of the same three numbers to equal one greater then them using only addition subtraction division and multiplication?

Divide the first two of the same three numbers by eachother, and then add the third same number to the answer you get.