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Q: What symbol comes before A in an alphabetical list?
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a colon is used before a list, this symbol :

A character or symbol placed before a list of text?


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What day comes before Saturday?

Saturday is before Tuesday in an alphabetical list.

What color comes before indigo and green?

That depends on how you've lined up your colors. If you're writing an alphabetical list of all the colors you can think of, you might list amber, beige, blue, canary yellow, cyan, dandelion, flamingo, fuchsia, and gray before indigo and green. If you're reciting the rainbow from short to long wavelengths, then violet comes before both. If you're reciting the rainbow from long to short wavelengths, then red, orange, and yellow come before both.

List of car symbols?

Some cars only have a symbol for the manufacturer. What name does the symbol stand for? Is there a list of symbols?

Why is fe the symbol of iron?

the symbol Fe is derived from iron's latin name "Ferrum" like other elements with symbols far from the element name like potassium's symbol is K meaning "Kalium" or tin's symbol is Sn for "Stannum". we studied that, i actually have a list of all elements with those kind of symbols. if you want the complete list, email me: -cloi

How do you insert the check mark symbol?

It should be in the symbol list on your computer.

What name is given to a list of symbols?

A list of symbols is typically referred to as a symbol list.

Where is a alphabetical list of all 493 Pokemon?

Bulbapedia has an alphabetical list (article title "List of Pokemon by Name").

Why do you have to put the at symbol before someones name on Twitter?

On Facebook you add the @ symbol before a person's name because then you can choose his/her name from your friends list and their name will be tagged in your status and they will notified. Other people will be able to click on the name in your post and get to your friend's profile page. On blogs the @ symbol may refer to a Twitter handle.

What is the ticker symbol for angies list?
