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You would use this: ┴

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Q: What symbol do you use to show that two lines are perpendicular?
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What is the symbol for two lines not being parallel?

Two lines that are not parallel are perpendicular. The symbol is +.

can you show a picture of a perpendicular line?

No, but a diagram of twoperpendicular lines:|||--------------||Two lines are perpendicular if they meet at 90o.

What is the symbol for two lines being perpendicular?

An inverted capital T

What symbol is used to indicate two perpendicular lines?

An inverted "T"

Can you show me what perpendicular is?

Perpendicular means "at right angles to". L is an example of two lines that are perpendicular to one another.

Two lines that form a right angle are?

Two lines that form a right angle are Perpendicular. This can be show by an upside down T.

What is the symbol for a Coriolis meter?

The symbol for a Coriolis meter is a curved "S" shape with two straight lines perpendicular to the curve on either side.

Draw two intersecting lines but not perpendicular?

draw two intersecting lines that are not perpendicular

Can you show me what a perpendicular lines look like?

They look like two intersecting lines that make four right angles. Like the two lines in this L.

What is Perpendicular and Parallel?

Perpendicular is when two lines cross... Parallel is when two lines never meet.... _____________ _____________ = PARALLEL LINES If they cross they are perpendicular, if they don't, they are parallel.

What makes two lines perpendicular?

Perpendicular lines are any two lines that intersect at a 90 degree angle.

What is perpendicicular lines?

Two lines are perpendicular or orthogonal if they meet at a 90 degree angle.For instance,|__|are two perpendicular lines.