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Q: What symbol signify the integer data type?
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What data type is age?

integer data type

What is the data type int?

Data-type (short for integer).

What is data and define its type?

Data is information. Data type defines the type of data - integer, character etc

What is the default data type?


What is java's keyword for the integer data type?

"int" is the keyword for integer

How much memory is required to store an integer data type?

integer data type consumes memory of 4 bytes or 32 bits

What type of data is acceptable for arrays index?

The details depend on the language, but the index of an array is usually an integer data type. Anything that is compatible with an integer can be used.

Specific example of integer data type?


Abstract data type that store a whole numbers?

All data types can be used to store a whole number, even the data types that can store a decimal number.

What does Data types?

Data type means it tells the compiler the variable belongs to integer .character.floating.l

What typeof data type would be best to store an age?


What is a valid variable data type?

1. If its natural or integer numbers- Integer(Int) data type. 2. If it consists of decimal or fraction part- Double or float data type. 3. If it has a single letter or sign- Character(Char) data type. 4. If its got many words(alpha-numerical)- String data type. 5. If the result has to be "true" or "false"- Boolean data type.