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Q: What tactic was used primarily to intergrate southern lunch counters?
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What is the tactic used to give Southern blacks access to lunch counters?

Sit-in demonstrations are what got the attention of the country. These were actions taken where blacks would just sit at the counters demanding to be served. You can say they asserted their civil right to sit and eat at any establishment offering sit-down food service.

What was Gandhi's tactic of Satyagraha primarily aimed towards?

Non-violent protest, or peaceful resistance.

What were Gandhi tactic of Satyagraha primarily aimed towards?

towards affecting social changes using non-violent means such as civil disobedience

Which tactic was primarily use by the civil rights movement in the 1950 and 1960?

holding nonviolent marches legal challenges through the courts boycotts

Best describes the blockade of Southern ports during the Civil War?

A highly successful tactic that prevented war supplies reaching the Confederacy.

What is the meaning of tactics in sport?

tactic in sports; a tactic is a game plan made before the start of the game to play against your opponents weeknesses and to your own is a tactic in a game of badminton:i played an over head clear to the back of the court, my opponent did not expect this and did not get to the back of the court quick enough, therefor returned a weak shot, i went to the net so i was able to lunge there and and smash to the back lines of the court.what should you consider in a game with tactics?-the weather.-the score.-the time left.-your opponents weaknesses.-injuries- if a sub is replacing original opponent.-and if your opponent counters ( starts to get the drfit and figures out your tactic).(:

How do use tactic in a sentence?

His tactic was transparent.

What is an defensive tactic in basketball?

there is no devensive tactic in basketballl

Which is the best tactic of war?

The Best tactic is, attacking from the flanks.

What is a good tactic for a Chaos Space Marine player?

A winning tactic is a good tactic, every player got his own.

What is a naval blockade in civil war?

It was a successful tactic by the Union Navy to blockade the Southern ports, so that the Confederacy could not export its plentiful cotton in exchange for war-supplies.

Which general staff position conducts tactic operations Deploys the tactic objective and organization and direct Tactic resource?

general dukey