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Put one dollar worth of gas in your car

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Q: What takes 10 seconds today that took 20 seconds 10 years ago?
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What takes 10 seconds today that took 20 seconds 1 year ago?

3/4 pump a gallon of gas

It took 17.89 seconds for a rock to hit the bottom of the canyon how deep is the canyon?

It takes 175,32 seconds

What is the formula for mph if you know how many seconds it took to one mile?

(60/x)*60 where x is the number of seconds it takes to travel a mile.

How many years does he takes to land in the moon?

It took about 3 days.

Why it took you 30 seconds to open a webpage?

The time a web page takes to load depends on the content of the web page. If there is a lot of videos,flash and images it takes longer.

How does burning rope tell time?

Burning a rope to tell time involves measuring the time it takes for the rope to burn from one end to the other. By knowing how long the rope is and timing the burn, you can estimate the time based on the rate of burning. Long ropes burn slower and can be more accurate for measuring longer periods of time.

Why did it takes so long for the continents to move to where they are today?

it took so long because, the earths mantel is solid

How long a revolution takes?

The French Revolution of 1789 took about 10 years, according to Wikipedia.

What would the acceleration be if it took 10 seconds to go from 8ms to 18ms and why?

Divide the difference in speed by the time it takes. This will give you the average acceleration for that time period.

How old is Barry Took?

Barry Took was born on June 19, 1928 and died on March 31, 2002. Barry Took would have been 73 years old at the time of death or 87 years old today.

Topic sentence for time capsule in 20 years?

In twenty years, they will open this time capsule and see the photos we took today.

What year was Lucy parsons born?

1853 according to Wikipedia (took less than 10 seconds!)1853 according to Wikipedia (took less than 10 seconds!)1853 according to Wikipedia (took less than 10 seconds!)1853 according to Wikipedia (took less than 10 seconds!)