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Q: What techniques used to estimate something about a population based on a sample are called?
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What are people who come from Antarctica called?

There is no native population in Antarctica, so there is no name for something that does not exist.

What are quantitative techniques?

Many of the quantitative techniques fall into two broad categories: # Interval estimation # Hypothesis tests Interval Estimates It is common in statistics to estimate a parameter from a sample of data. The value of the parameter using all of the possible data, not just the sample data, is called the population parameter or true value of the parameter. An estimate of the true parameter value is made using the sample data. This is called a point estimate or a sample estimate. For example, the most commonly used measure of location is the mean. The population, or true, mean is the sum of all the members of the given population divided by the number of members in the population. As it is typically impractical to measure every member of the population, a random sample is drawn from the population. The sample mean is calculated by summing the values in the sample and dividing by the number of values in the sample. This sample mean is then used as the point estimate of the population mean. Interval estimates expand on point estimates by incorporating the uncertainty of the point estimate. In the example for the mean above, different samples from the same population will generate different values for the sample mean. An interval estimate quantifies this uncertainty in the sample estimate by computing lower and upper values of an interval which will, with a given level of confidence (i.e., probability), contain the population parameter. Hypothesis Tests Hypothesis tests also address the uncertainty of the sample estimate. However, instead of providing an interval, a hypothesis test attempts to refute a specific claim about a population parameter based on the sample data. For example, the hypothesis might be one of the following: * the population mean is equal to 10 * the population standard deviation is equal to 5 * the means from two populations are equal * the standard deviations from 5 populations are equal To reject a hypothesis is to conclude that it is false. However, to accept a hypothesis does not mean that it is true, only that we do not have evidence to believe otherwise. Thus hypothesis tests are usually stated in terms of both a condition that is doubted (null hypothesis) and a condition that is believed (alternative hypothesis). Website-- "Just giving info on what you don't know" - ;) Sillypinkjade----

Where the Aztecs from?

a place in Mexico they were their own little country they fought but the Spanish killed them with daisies and a place called techniques or something like that their r websites to help you

What is the population and status of the killer whales?

The population number is uncertain but the lowest estimate is 50,000. Their current status is not official as the population isn't certain. This is called data deficient. Some do say that they are either endangered or vulnerable but there is no valid way of saying.

What is it called when you use a word to mean something else?

Using a word to mean something else is called figurative language, where the word is used in a non-literal way to create imagery or convey a different meaning than its literal definition. This can include techniques like metaphors, similes, and symbolism.

Techniques used to summarize organize and present data that have been collected are called?

Data Gathering and Representation Techniques

The practical application of techniques and knowledge is called?


What is the practical application of techniques and knowledge called?


What is The process of selecting representative elements from a population?

The process of selecting representative elements from a population is called sampling. Sampling involves selecting a subset of individuals or items from a larger group in order to draw conclusions or make inferences about the entire population. Various sampling techniques, such as random sampling or stratified sampling, can be utilized to ensure that the selected elements accurately represent the population characteristics.

What is the estimated answer in an equation called?

It is called an estimate.

What are all members of one species in a particular area called?

All members of one species in a particular area are called a population.

What are all the members that live in a particular species that live in one area called?

A group of individuals from the same species living in a particular area is called a population. It represents all the members of that species within a specific geographic location and can adapt to the local environment and resources.