4017.75 days old
365 is how many days there are in a year. So if someone is 365 days old, they are one year old.
1518,6240 days old!
The answer is you wouldn't even be an year old considering to to calender there are 365 days in a year so you would be 199 days old
22 years and 42 days
i dont know but we use technology now that they didnt in the old days
Technology has effected art in many ways . Things like photograph has made art easier than in the old days .you take a photo and your computer makes it for you .Technology made arts wurthless
What did you say?! Relate technology?? Why would you relate technology these days?
people these days in have learned technology about computers, and are making things with their technology.
In the old days tennis racquets were made of wood or metal. Technology has enhanced tennis racquets, and has made the game easier, and gives the athlete a larger chance to do more with the ball.
In the days of old it was referred to as 'domestic science'. When I was at school it came under the subject called 'home economics'.
Technology : "art logic" natural creation, is as old as life.
telegram is the old communication method.In this method the people can communicate with their relative from one person to another person. In these days this technology is not used.
You would be 3,285 days old. I am 4,380 days old.
Fashion in the old days focused more on formality, modesty, and elegance, with trends changing gradually over time. Today, fashion is more diverse, fluid, and influenced by technology, pop culture, and social media, leading to faster trend cycles and a greater emphasis on individuality and self-expression.
If a pieace of other technology is old and want new technology you need to build a new type of technology that you could use and do other stuff like using something old and making it new!