It depends where the water was located, such as theArtic orFlorida
6 hours.
Yes it will be dead
Assuming you mean 'rose from the dead,' and not 'ascended,' Matthew 28:6. He isn't here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.
Yes, but we would be dead.
2010 -1818 = 192, therefore, you would be dead.
The duration of Over Her Dead Body is 1.58 hours.
The duration of Over My Dead Body - film - is 1.83 hours.
6 hours.
no but live people can die underwater.
that would be... 23 dead hours. because "horas" is "hours" and "muerta" is "dead"
Any word for a body would be a noun. And adjective for dead is deceased.
Your neurons would start to die in about 10 seconds, and be dead in 30. The rest of your body cells could survive for about an hour without damage, then they would start dying. By the end of 3 hours the process would be complete.
some gases escape and there would be no air in the lungs, but the weight would be pretty close. But the phrase has nothing to do with the weight of a dead person.
Some drowning victims usually children have been brought back after a couple of hours but not 7. I believe a persons heart may have been stopped for that long during surgery, but they have been on a bypass machine so they were not dead even though their heart was stopped. After 7 hours, you would be dead and even if by some chance the body was re animated, the brain would be dead.
they will be dead
Not unless it's leaning on something
Yes, but why would this matter?