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Q: What temperature in celsius is 98.6?
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Related questions

What is temperature at the sun's atmosphere?

The temperature in the Sun's atmosphere, known as the corona, can reach millions of degrees Celsius. This high temperature is due to the Sun's intense magnetic activity and the interaction of its magnetic fields.

Is Celsius the opposite of temperature?

No, Celsius is a unit of temperature measurement on the Celsius scale. It is not the opposite of temperature, but a way to quantify it.

What is the temperature of hot oatmeal in Celsius?

the temperature for hot oatmeal in Celsius is about 74 Celsius

If the temperature is currently 20 degrees Celsius and it decreases by 30 degrees what will the temperature be in Celsius?

If the temperature decreases by 30 degrees Celsius from 20 degrees Celsius, the new temperature will be -10 degrees Celsius.

What is the Celsius temperature if the Fahrenheit temperature is 32?

Zero Celsius

When the temperature in Celsius is doubled from 10 Celsius to 20 Celsius is the temperature doubled on the Fahrenheit scale?

No, when the temperature in Celsius doubles from 10°C to 20°C, the temperature in Fahrenheit does not double. The relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures is not linear, so a doubling in Celsius temperature does not equate to a doubling in Fahrenheit temperature.

What temperature is 2 Celsius if the temperature is 5 Celsius lower what will it be?

5 degrees below 2 Celsius is -3 Celsius.

Who invented Celsius temperature?

Anders Celsius, a Swedish astronomer, invented the Celsius temperature scale in 1742.

If a temperature of 273 kelvins what is the temperature in celsius?

The temperature in Celsius is 0 degrees. You can convert from Kelvin to Celsius by subtracting 273 from the temperature in Kelvin.

What did Celsius do?

Celsius invented the celsius scale for temperature.

How are degree Celsius temperature related?

A degree Celsius is a measure of temperature.

Celsius to kelvin converted?

248.15 K