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110f = -11.670c

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Q: What temperature is 11 in celsius on a thermometer?
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Which is the temperature that Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometer would read as the same number?

-40o C

What is the temperature in Fahrenheit and kelvin if the thermometer say 10 Celsius?

in Fahrenheit is 50 in kelvin is

Why is a medical thermometer 35 to 42 Celsius?

A medical thermometer only has a range of 35 to 42 celsius, as that is the only realistic temperature range that the human body will be in between. This is because, if anyone is below 35 celsius, or above 42 celsius, then they will be dead, or close to dying, and you don't need a thermometer to recognize either of these symptoms.

What temperature degree celsius and kelvin are same?

The 'kelvin' and the celsius 'degree' are identical temperature intervals ... they are the same size. The marks on the kelvin thermometer and the marks on the celsius thermometer are the same distance apart. Both scales have 100 divisions between the freezing and boiling temperatures of water, but the scales start at different places. (Kelvin starts at 'absolute zero', celsius starts at the freezing temperature of water.) The graphs of these two scales are parallel lines. The graphs never intersect, meaning that there is no temperature where kelvin and celsius are the same number.

What are the units for a thermometer?

AnswerA thermometer is used to measure temperature.There are different units used to express temperature these units include kelvin,celsius and fahrenheit.These units can be convert from one to the other by simple calculation.However thermometers are found with different units of temperature, most thermometers measure in celsius and Fahrenheit.

Related questions

What is celsius temperature when a Fahrenheit thermometer reads 98.6?

The equivalent Celsius temperature when a Fahrenheit thermometer reads 98.6 degrees is 37 degrees. This is the normal body temperature in Celsius.

What Thermometer measure temperature with scale?


What is a celsius thermometer used for?

newtest3 for temperature

Does clinical thermometer measures temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit?

clinical thermometers measure temperature in Celsius.

Temperature is measured with a what?

Usually with a thermometer in Fahrenheit or Celsius degrees.

What is temperature measured with?

Temperature is typically measured using a thermometer. Thermometers can use various mechanisms to determine temperature, such as expansion of liquids (like mercury or alcohol), electrical resistance, or infrared sensors.

How did the Celsius thermometer contribute to science?

It takes temperature

What would be the temperature be in Celsius if the thermometer reads 75 degrees?

The temperature would be 23.9 degrees Celsius.

Thermometer use to measure temperature above 1250 celsius?

A thermocouple or a pyrometer is commonly used to measure temperatures above 1250 degrees Celsius. These devices are designed to withstand high temperatures and provide accurate temperature readings in such extreme conditions. It is important to select the appropriate type of thermometer that can handle the desired temperature range for accurate results.

What did Anders Celsius invent?

Anders Celsius invented the temperature scale that bears his name.

Which Swedish scientist invented the thermometer?

Anders Celsius, a Swedish astronomer and physicist, is credited with inventing the Celsius temperature scale and the mercury thermometer in 1742.

What is the temperature range of gas thermometer in celsius?

-183 to 100