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I think you're trying to ask: In what environment does the Fahrenheit thermometer

read a number that is 49 higher than the reading on the Celsius thermometer ?

F = (1.8 C) + 32


F = C + 49


C + 49 = 1.8 C + 32

C + 17 = 1.8 C

17 = 0.8 C

C = 17/0.8

C = 21.25°

F = 70.25°


==> 70.25 - 21.25 = 49

==> 1.8 C + 32 = (1.8) (21.25) + 32 = 38.25 + 32 = 70.25 yay!

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Q: What temperature on the Fahrenheit scale is 49 degrees higher than on the Celsius scale?
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Yes, a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit is 20 degrees higher than the equivalent temperature in Celsius, which is 20 degrees Celsius.

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40 degrees fahrenheit 40 degrees celsius is way higher then it is fahrenheit.

The actual number of degrees of celsius is lower than degrees of Fahrenheit?

That's correct. In the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales, a given temperature in Fahrenheit will be higher than the equivalent temperature in Celsius. For example, 50 degrees Fahrenheit is a higher temperature than 10 degrees Celsius.

Which would feel warmer 10 degrees celsius or 10 degrees Fahrenheit and WHY?

10 degrees Celsius would feel warmer because it is a higher temperature than 10 degrees Fahrenheit. The Celsius scale starts at a lower baseline temperature than the Fahrenheit scale, so the same numerical value on the Celsius scale represents a higher temperature than on the Fahrenheit scale.

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In terms of numbers, the same temperature will appear higher in Fahrenheit than in Celsius. For example, a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit is hotter than 37.8 degrees Celsius.

Is 3 digrees celcise hire than 3 farinhite bigrees f?

Let's see. Use this formula. Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (3 degrees Celsius)(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = 37.4 degrees ---------------------------------------------------- As you can see 3 degrees Celsius is much higher than 3 degrees Fahrenheit.

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16 + 10 = 26 degrees Celsius. Which is 78.8 Fahrenheit.

What is temperature different from?

Temperature is different from heat. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, while heat is the transfer of thermal energy between substances due to a difference in temperature. Temperature is a scalar quantity, while heat is a form of energy.

Which has the higher temperature 65 degrees Celsius or 65 degrees Fahrenheit?

65 degrees Celsius is higher than 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is 83 Fahrenheit higher than 30 Celsius?

Yes, 83 Fahrenheit is higher than 30 Celsius. To convert 83 Fahrenheit to Celsius, use the formula (83 - 32) * 5/9, which equals approximately 28.3 Celsius.

Is 10 degree warmer than 38 Fahrenheit?

Yes, 10 degrees Celsius is warmer than 38 degrees Fahrenheit. This is because the Celsius scale has a lower zero point than the Fahrenheit scale, so the same change in temperature in Celsius will result in a higher temperature compared to Fahrenheit.

The outside temperature is -8c and the inside is 20c what is the difference in temperature?

A temperature of 20 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to a temperature of -6.67 degrees Celsius.