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Kelvin and Celsius

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Q: What temperature scales have units of equal size?
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Which two temperature scales have the same size units?

Celsius and Kelvin

Which temperature scales have units of equal size?

Celsius and Kelvin scales have the same unit, but they start at different temperatures. 0 Celsius is the freezing pt of water, but 0 Kelvin is absolute zero (the coldest temperature possible)

What two temperature scale have the same size unit?

The Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales have the same size unit. One degree Celsius is equal in size to one Kelvin, with the only difference being their zero points.

Where will the three scales of temperature meet?

The three temperature scales (Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin) will meet at the temperature of -40 degrees, which is equivalent on all three scales. At this temperature, -40 degrees Celsius is equal to -40 degrees Fahrenheit and approximately 233 Kelvin.

The two temperature scales with the same interval step size are the?

Kelvin and Celsius

Describe how a change in temperature of 1 degree differs on the Fahrenheit Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales?

A change of 1 degree Fahrenheit is equal to a change of 0.56 degrees Celsius or 0.56 Kelvin. The Fahrenheit scale has a larger degree size compared to the Celsius and Kelvin scales, which results in smaller incremental changes.

Why is a temperature difference the same in celsius and kelvin?

A temperature difference is the same in Celsius and Kelvin because they have the same size units. The Celsius scale starts at 0°C and the Kelvin scale starts at 0K. The size of each degree of change is equal in both scales, making temperature differences equivalent regardless of the scale used.

Two temperature scales with the same interval step size?

There are only two. degrees F and degreec C

Can temperature be used in si units?

The SI unit of temperature is the Kelvin. It's the same size as the Celsius degree.

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A temperature difference of 10 degrees Celsius is also equal to a temperature difference of 10 on the?

Kelvin scale, as the Kelvin scale is based on the same size units as Celsius, but it starts at absolute zero (0K). Therefore, a temperature difference of 10 degrees Celsius is equivalent to a temperature difference of 10 Kelvin.

What is the same between Celsius and kelvin scale?

Both Celsius and Kelvin scales have the same size degree (1 degree Celsius is equivalent to 1 Kelvin). The zero point on both scales is also set at the same temperature, absolute zero, which is the coldest possible temperature at which all molecular movement stops.