To round 472992 to the nearest ten thousand, you would look at the digit in the ten thousand place, which is 9. Since 9 is greater than 5, you would round up. Therefore, 472992 rounded to the nearest ten thousand would be 480000.
The number 57364 rounded to the nearest ten thousand would be 60000.
To the nearest ten thousand, 70000
If you round off 3,278,429 to the nearest ten thousand, you would look at the number in the one thousand place - in this case, an 8. If the number is 5 or less, you would round down. If the number is 6 or higher, you would round up. Since 8 is higher that 6, you would round up, yielding 3,279,000.
To the nearest ten thousand, the value is zero.
To round 472992 to the nearest ten thousand, you would look at the digit in the ten thousand place, which is 9. Since 9 is greater than 5, you would round up. Therefore, 472992 rounded to the nearest ten thousand would be 480000.
459 to the nearest ten thousand? (not thousandth?) 459 would round down to 0..
The number 57364 rounded to the nearest ten thousand would be 60000.
That would round out to 300,000.
already is rounded to the nearest thousand if nearest ten thousand it would be 12420000
To the nearest ten thousand, 70000
To round 38519 to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousand's place, which is 3. Since the digit to the right of the ten thousand's place is 8, we round up the ten thousand's place to 4. Therefore, 38519 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 40000.
If you round off 3,278,429 to the nearest ten thousand, you would look at the number in the one thousand place - in this case, an 8. If the number is 5 or less, you would round down. If the number is 6 or higher, you would round up. Since 8 is higher that 6, you would round up, yielding 3,279,000.
To the nearest ten thousand, the value is zero.
You would round it up to 550000