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Q: What term Is used to describe a linear sequence in which energy is transferred from ane organism to the next?
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Describe how energy is transferred from one organism to another?

Each time one organism eats another organism, a transfer of energy occurs.

What is the sequence in which energy is transferred from one organism to another called?

The sequence in which energy is transferred from one organism to another is called a food chain. It represents the flow of energy from one trophic level to another as organisms consume each other for energy.

What is transferred from organism to organism in a food chain?

Energy is transferred from organism to organism in a food chain. This energy comes from the sun, is captured by producers (plants), and is passed on to consumers (animals) as they eat other organisms in the chain.

How is energy transferred from one organism to another organism?

Energy is transferred between organisms through consumption. When an organism consumes another organism, it obtains the energy stored in the consumed organism's tissues. This energy is then used by the consumer for various biological processes.

What is the energy transferred in one of the sequences?

The energy transferred in a sequence is the total amount of energy moved from one point to another. This can include the energy transferred through different forms, such as heat, work, or radiation, depending on the specific type of sequence being studied. To calculate the energy transferred in a sequence, one would need to consider the initial and final energy states and any losses or gains in between.

How is energy transferred from one organism to other?

by the population

Why is there less energy transferred from one organism to the one that feeds on it?

Each organism uses part of the energy for its own maintenance.

What is the significance of the energy pyramids shape?

To show how energy is transferred from one organism to another.

What is an organisms position in a sequence of energy transfers?

An organism's position in a sequence of energy transfers is determined by its trophic level - where it falls in the food chain. Producers are at the first trophic level, followed by herbivores, then carnivores, and finally decomposers. Each level represents a transfer of energy from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.

How energy is transferred one organism to another in an ecosystem?

tell me the anwser

How energy transferred in one of the sequences?

In a food chain, energy is transferred from one organism to another when one organism is consumed by another. This transfer of energy occurs as the prey organism is broken down and its nutrients are absorbed by the predator. The energy stored in the prey's tissues is then used by the predator for growth, maintenance, and reproduction.

An organism's position in the sequence of energy transfers in an ecosystem is known as its what?

An organism's position in the sequence of energy transfers in an ecosystem is known as its trophic level. This indicates the organism's position in the food chain and its role in energy flow through the ecosystem.