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Trever Bahringer

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Q: What term defined as mounds of snow built on a slope to increase difficulty?
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What does fortification mean?

It means to have structure. LC9191 And can also mean : 1.defensive structure consisting of walls or mounds built around a stronghold to strengthen it2. the art or science of strengthening defenses3. the addition of an ingredient for the purpose of enrichment (as the addition of alcohol to wine or the addition of vitamins to food) ( )

What is conversion function?

As the name suggests, a conversion function is a function that converts a value from one type to another. Many such conversions are either implicit or built-in operations, such as when converting from an int to a double. However, when converting between user-defined types, or between a user-defined type and a built-in type, we must write a function to explicitly perform the conversion for us. In object-oriented languages, we rely on conversion constructors and conversion operators to perform these conversions implicitly, but in C we must explicitly call the appropriate conversion functions.

What are complementary investments?

Complementary investments are investments which raise any potential profits from the use of a new technology. An increase of any investment A leads to an increase in productivity of investment B. Take the Hoover dam as an example, not only was the dam built for technical/environmental reasons ( investments A ), when completed it was a large tourist attraction which people wanted to come visit ( investment B)

What is Built-up area?

For Eg: say 20x70m is the land area where a building of two floors (G+1) is to be constructed and 25m length are allocated for porch. This leaves 20x45=900sqm per floor. The built-up area of this double storey house will be 900x2 = 1800sqm (or more if there are extended balconies). Sometimes developer added the roof over the porch, to "increase" the value of the total built up area too. Lets say from the 25m porch length, about 15m are roofed. THis means the final built up area for the example above is = 1800+ (15x20) = 2100sqm

What is the Difference between built up area and floor area?

Built up area is the area which has been developed.and floor area is the area which is about to built or about to develope.

Related questions

What term is defined as mounds of snow built on a slope to increases difficulty?


Who built cities on mounds to avoid flooding?

The culture that built cities on mounds was the Chinese

How many mounds were originally built at the site?

there are approximately 3000 mounds

Why did indians build mounds?

Mounds were built for ceremonial and burial purposes.

Were the effigy mounds built in the shape of constellations in the sky?

There is no definitive evidence to suggest that effigy mounds were intentionally built to represent constellations in the sky. Effigy mounds were primarily burial mounds constructed by indigenous peoples in North America. Their shapes often represented animals or other figures important to the culture that built them.

Why do you think that some mounds were built in shapes of birds and snakes?

Researchers are uncertain as to why mounds were built in the shape of birds and snakes. Some theorize that this was because the people who built such mounds had great respect for these creatures.

Was Cahokia built in Illinois?

The Cahokia Mounds are in Illinois. The Mississippian culture built the mounds sometime between 600–1400 AD.

What did the paleo Indians do with the mounds they built?


Why were the effigy mounds built?

For religious purposes

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Did Native Americans build mounds?

Not all mounds built by Native Americans contain human remains.

What accomplishments did Mound Builders have?

They produced great mounds, and the Monk's Mouund which was over 100 ft. tall.