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Q: What term means to break down a product down or change it to a new product?
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Biodegradable means the product?

Biodegradable means that the product can break down naturally in the environment without leaving any harmful residue.

What i a product that will break down into harmless material called?

A product that breaks down into harmless materials is often referred to as biodegradable. This means that it can be broken down by natural processes, such as bacteria or fungi, into substances that are not harmful to the environment.

What does the word prime factorization?

That's two words and it means to break down a composite number into the product of its prime factors.

How can microorganisms change the pH of their own environment?

yes, a simple example is the microrganisums in our mouth, they break down bits of food and produce acid as a by product.

A bathroom cleaning product removes a stain in the sink how is it a chemical change?

When the bathroom cleaning product removes a stain in the sink, it is considered a chemical change because the cleaning product contains chemicals that react with the stain to break it down and remove it. This reaction results in the formation of new substances, changing the composition of the stain and the product.

What type of change is needed to break down a compound?

Chemical change is needed to break down a compound. It involves breaking the chemical bonds that hold the molecules of the compound together, resulting in the formation of new substances. This process can be brought about by various means such as heat, light, or the presence of other chemicals.

Is urea a product of the breakdown of salts?

no only in break down of protein.

Why are decomposers called decomposers?

To decompose means to break down. Decomposers break down organic materials.

The major product of the enzymes in peroxisomes?

Major function is break down H2O2.So major product is water.

What household product could be used to break down cell waste?


What does metaolism mean?

it means to break down something!!

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