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Q: What term refers to the decimal equivalent of solar radiation that an object reflects?
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How does albedo affects the behavior of solar radiation?

Albedo is the proportion of light that an object reflects.

Does shape effect radiation?

Yes, the shape of an object can affect the way it interacts with radiation. Irregular shapes can scatter radiation more than regular shapes. The surface area-to-volume ratio of an object can also impact how much radiation it absorbs or reflects.

What 3 things can happen when radiation hits an object?

Absorption: The object absorbs some or all of the radiation, which can lead to heating or ionization. Reflection: The radiation bounces off the object without being absorbed, similar to how light reflects off a mirror. Transmission: The radiation passes through the object without being absorbed, like how X-rays pass through the body during a medical imaging procedure.

What happen when light reflects?

When light reflects, on an object it bounces off of the object and you can see the object much more clearly.

An object is a good emitter of radiation if it is what?

An object is a good emitter of radiation if it has a high temperature. The higher the temperature of an object, the more thermal radiation it emits.

What reflects infrared radiation?

Materials such as metals, any object with a rough surface, and certain gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor can reflect infrared radiation. These materials have properties that allow them to either absorb and re-emit or scatter the infrared radiation that falls on them.

What object reflects?

1) what objects reflects light?_______________________________ mirror

Convert 52 in to a decimal?

It is simply 52.0 as a decimal

What describes the visible color of an object?

The light the object reflects.

What is an object that reflects light called?

A visible object.

Do an opaque object reflects the light that it does not absorb?


Color of an opaque object is the color of light it?

Reflects, other wavelengths (colours) are absorbed.