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minimum wage

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Q: What term refers to the lowest wage an employee can pay legally?
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What does the term minimum wage mean?

The lowest wage an employee is allowed to be pay.

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The term effectiveness refers to how well a manager or an employee does their job. The more effective they are, the more work they will get done.

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The term pariah refers to a social outcast. This is an Indian term that was used in their caste system for people in the lowest social class. This caste was originally used for ceremonial drummers but later referred to the lowest caste also known as the "Untouchables".

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The term controllable refers to something that is legally restrained. This term can also reference a scientific test to be studied parallel to another experiment.

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Lowest term of 12.075

Who is lowest terms?

Nobody is lowest term. "Lowest term" is a mathematical expression, not a person!

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A financial entity is a legal/financial term. It refers to a legally created person as opposed to a natural person.

What does the term 'pink slip' refer to?

The term pink slip refers to the act of firing an employee or letting the employee go. When one gets a "pink slip" one can collect unemployment benefits until he can get another job.

What is 920 lowest term?

If that is 9/20, it is already in its lowest term.