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Q: What term which means the maximum absolute value of a periodically varying quantity does the a in am radio broadcasting stand for?
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What is the definition for amplitude?

Physics The maximum absolute value of a periodically varying quantity. Mathematicsa: The maximum absolute value of a periodic curve measured along its vertical axis.b: The angle made with the positive horizontal axis by the vector representation of a complex number.

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What is peak to peak?

Peak to Peak is the most positive peak to the negative peak value. Or find any peak value and multiply by 2.

Which is less a maximum or a minimum?

A minimum refers to the smallest possible value or quantity in a set or range, while a maximum refers to the largest possible value or quantity in a set or range. So, a minimum is less or smaller than a maximum.

What is amplituide?

amplitude can be defined as the maximum value of varying quantity . the varying quantity can be an alternating one or distorting. graphically speaking the maximum value of the curve within the extremes of a domain is called as the amplitude..

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when your sphincter is stretched to the absolute maximum point that it is able to stretch.

What is difference between maximal and maximum?

maximal is adj.meaning greatest possible while maximum is noun meaning greatest possible amount or quantity

What is the physical significance of gradient of any physical quantity?

The gradient of a physical quantity represents the rate at which the quantity changes in different directions in space. It provides information about the direction of the steepest increase of that quantity at a given point, as well as the magnitude of that increase.

What is usually regarded as the absolute maximum length a driveshaft should be without adding a center support bearing?

70 inches is usually regarded as the absolute maximum length a driveshaft should be without adding a center support bearing

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An absolute ceiling is the maximum altitude above sea level at which an aircraft or missile can maintain horizontal flight under normal conditions.

What is wien's displacement law?

the maximum emitted wavelength is inversely proportional to the its absolute temperature