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Q: What the answer of 0.003045 in scien tific notation?
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What is 720 in scien tific notation?

7.2 x 10^2

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Words that have scien in the middle?

I think just science does

When was rocket scientist made?

roket scien was made in 1996

Does the word scientist have the word science in it?

Scien-tist. So no....

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wat is introduction to scien ce

What words have scien in the middle?

Conscience, science, prescient, omniscient.

What does the word sciene mean?

I suspect that "scien" comes from a Latin word meaning "knowledge."

What words has scien in the middle?

Could only find conscience and conscientious - any more???

What methods do scien tists use to classify living things?

-growth -cells -energy use -reproduction -organization -homeostasis

How many syllables in the word conscience?

The word "conscience" has two syllables: con-science.

What words have sci- as a root?

Scien is not the root of science, but rather scio.Science comes from the Latin word, "scio." It's four Latin forms are scio, scire, scivi, and scitus. Scio mean knowledge. This is where "science" comes from.