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Q: What the expression that represents the product of f and 2?
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The solubility product expression for CaF2(s) is written as Ksp = [Ca2+][F-]^2, where brackets denote the concentration of each ion at equilibrium.

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It is 5*f where f is an expression.

Why f represents the graph of a function?

Because f represents a function.

If f(x) 2x3 - 2x2 plus 50 find f(-2).?

To find f(-2), substitute -2 into the function f(x). So, f(-2) = 2(-2)^3 - 2(-2)^2 + 50. Simplifying this expression gives f(-2) = 2(-8) - 2(4) + 50 = -16 - 8 + 50 = 26.

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Use the remainder theorem:- f(x) = x3+nx2+3x-5 f(x) becomes f(2) because the divisor is x-2 and 2-2 = 0 f(2) = 8+4n+6-5 = -3 f(2) = 4n+9 = -3 f(2) = 4n = -12 f(2) = n = -3 So the value of n in the expression is -3 Check: f(2) = 8+(4*-3)+6-5 = -3

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It is not possible to find the expression of 2y if f(x) = 2x - 3x.

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What is coulombs law and write its expression?

Coulomb's law states that the electrostatic force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The expression for Coulomb's law is F = k * (|q1 * q2|) / r^2, where F is the force, k is the electrostatic constant, q1 and q2 are the magnitudes of the charges, and r is the distance between the charges.

What is f GMm over r square?

The expression f = GMm/r^2 represents Newton's law of universal gravitation, where f is the gravitational force between two objects of masses M and m, separated by a distance r, and G is the gravitational constant. The force decreases with distance squared, showing that the force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects.

What is 4f plus 2 plus 3d-1-3f?

It is an expression and can be simplified to: 3d+f+1